Embarking on the journey of big picture planning involves navigating a complex combination of desires, known information, trends, and the ever-present potential for the unknown. This intricate process, whether conducted consciously or unconsciously, unfolds through a series of intentional steps, each contributing to the creation of a comprehensive plan. 

Let’s apply these principles to the art of planning your calendar, unveiling a holistic approach to ensure you’re always in control of the big picture. These five steps will help you transform your calendar into a strategic and successful life blueprint.

Step 1. Setting the stage: Identify your priorities

Start by identifying your priorities – those essential elements that make your life uniquely yours. Think of it as creating a bucket list for your time. Work deadlines, family events, personal projects, schedules, possibilities – jot them down. Use tools like Trello or a good old-fashioned paper planner to organize these priorities. It’s the first step in crafting your personalized roadmap.

For example, if your priority is a work project with a looming deadline, jot down the key milestones and tasks. This creates a clear vision of what needs your attention in the bigger picture.

Step 2. Beyond the basics: Review your existing events

While traditional calendars, diaries, or online calendars might serve daily or monthly needs, they often fall short when it comes to planning multiple months or an entire year.  When you’re planning for the long term, they fall short. Enter the Year Glance connected calendar – a game-changer in the world of comprehensive planning.  This dynamic tool lets you see your entire year at a glance, helping you strategize better. Imagine having a map that guides you through the whole year – that’s the Year Glance advantage. This is most important to take existing events and commitments into account.

For instance, if you’re planning a year-long marketing campaign, use Year Glance to visualize key events, product launches, and marketing strategies. This holistic view ensures you’re not missing any crucial details in your plan.

Step 3. Make it tangible: Print or save as PDF

Once you’ve crafted your big picture plan, give it a tangible form. Print it out or save it as a PDF – your choice. This isn’t just for backup; it’s about making your plan easily shareable and tangible. Imagine having a pocket-sized version of your grand plan or an attachment you can email to your team or family. That’s the practicality of making a physical copy. If you have the ability to annotate online or with an app, then saving as PDF is perfect. The versatility of these formats ensures that your meticulously crafted plan is accessible in various situations, making it a valuable resource.

For example, if you’re planning a family vacation, print out your yearly calendar with highlighted vacation dates. Stick it on the fridge so everyone can see and anticipate the exciting getaway.

Step 4. Draft your blueprint: Annotate into existence

Now comes the fun part – annotate your calendar. It’s like creating a draft map of what you want to see in your calendar. Let’s say you have a family vacation coming up or a work project deadline. Annotate these events. It’s about visualizing and strategizing, not just responding to the unexpected. This step ensures that your calendar reflects your evolving vision based on the insights gained from previous steps. It also helps to balance your time and resources for enough work, rest and play.

For instance, if you’re planning a garden renovation at home, annotate the calendar with key steps like researching designs, purchasing materials, and starting the construction. This visual aid becomes your blueprint for success.

Step 5. Bring it all together: Add events to main calendars

The final step is to integrate your big picture plan into your main calendars. Whether you use a digital calendar on your phone or a shared calendar with your team, turn your annotations into reality by adding into your existing calendars. For instance, if you’ve marked a family event on your big picture plan, make sure it’s also in your daily digital calendar. This integration is the bridge between your strategic vision and practical execution.

In summary, big picture planning doesn’t require complicated jargon or intricate processes. It’s a simple journey with practical steps. 

  1. Identify your priorities
  2. Introduce the Year Glance connected calendar for a broader view
  3. Make your plan tangible
  4. Annotate to visualize
  5. Seamlessly integrate into your main calendars 

Picture it like crafting a masterpiece – each step contributes to the final symphony of your well-organized life. By incorporating these general principles into your calendar management, you elevate your planning game, ensuring that every step aligns with your broader goals. 

Embrace the Year Glance connected calendar as your go-to tool for comprehensive planning, and watch as your big picture vision unfolds with precision and clarity. Plan smart, adapt seamlessly, and navigate the journey of life with purpose and efficiency.

So, grab your calendar and start planning the way you want!